Privacy Policy

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Aljazira Travel and Tourism LLC Privacy Policy

At "Aljazira Travel and Tourism LLC" travel agency, respecting the privacy of our customers and users is very important. We are strongly committed to maintaining and protecting your personal information. This privacy policy explains how your information is collected, used, stored and protected. Please consider reading this policy carefully.

1. Data collection:

We collect only the necessary personal information that we need to provide travel services and communicate with you. This information may include name, address, contact number, email, travel related information and other information related to travel services.

2. data usage:

Your information is only used to communicate with you, provide travel services, process reservations, send important travel-related information, and improve user experience.

3. data transfer:

We guarantee that your personal information will not be transferred to an external person or organization unless necessary (such as to communicate with travel service providers for reservations).

4. Data protection:

We take appropriate measures to protect your personal information. This includes the use of security technologies, encryption and limiting access to your information by employees who have direct access to the information.

5. Your rights:

You have the right to request access, correction, deletion or restriction of use of your information. Also, if we need to request your information from others (such as service providers), we will do so to the extent permitted and necessary.

6. Changes to the Privacy Policy:

This policy may change in the future. Any changes in the privacy policy will be notified to you and you will have the right to continue using the service according to the changes or not accepting them.

7. contact us:

If you have any privacy-related questions or requests, please contact our support team.

We care about your privacy.Thank you for choosing to use the services of "Aljazira Travel and Tourism LLC" travel agency.


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